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Sailors Grave Confirms Urchin Infused Beer for 2022 Festival

Sailors Grave has confirmed their legendary sea urchin-infused beer, which debuted to acclaim at Wild Harvest 2019, will make a return for the 2022 festival, sure to attract beer-afficionados from far and wide.

With East Gippsland steadfastly securing its place as one of Australia’s best food tourism destinations, the Wild Harvest Seafood Festival offers a delectable display of what makes this region unique - and that includes the very crafty brewers at Sailors Grave, Chris and Gab Moore.

According to this great story about Sailors Grave at the Visit Victoria website, the sea urchin-infused beer was inspired by Gab's family connection to abalone diving, and a desire to make an 'ocean beer.'

They began working with Mallacoota seafood diver Jason York, who gathers wild sea urchin – a 'pest' that causes devastation to other sealife.

"We thought we could have an ingredient that expressed the ocean but also was kind of eating the problem as well. So we came up with this beer – a kind of salty, briny marine beer," Chris says.

"Jason dove for sea urchins on the morning of the brew. We put in everything, pretty much, apart from the spines. It just tasted so fresh and subtle and really expressed that idea of place."

Read the full story at, and/or watch the excellent video below.


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